HOLINESS is the beauty of the divine nature, and the object that delights Jehovah's heart. The holiness of a creature stands in his conformity to the image of God, and is wrought by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is the great end which he has in view in all that he does for his people. This is the will of God even our sanctification. Are we chosen in Christ? It is that we might be holy. Are we redeemed by the precious blood of Christ? It is that we should be a holy people unto the Lord. Are we called by the power of the Holy Ghost? It is to holiness on earth, as introductory to happiness in heaven. Every ordinance we observe, every doctrine we believe, every promise we trust, every precept we perform, and every trial we endure, is intended to promote our sanctification. Beloved, let us make this our one object, and so acquiesce in the will of God. Let us ask in reference to every undertaking, will it promote my holiness? And if it will not, let us determine in the Lord's strength to renounce it. Lord, sanctify us wholly; and grant that our whole body, soul, and spirit, may be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord Jesus.
O may my every work aud word,
Express the temper of my Lord,
And may the Spirit to my heart,
The power of holiness impart.
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