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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Make thy way straight before my face

THE true Christian desires to be ruled by God's word, and to be guided by God's providence. He wishes to be what God requires; to do what God commands; and to go where God directs. But he is often in great difficulty; he cannot see the way; he is uncertain what course he should take; and his cry is, " Make thy way straight before my face." Let me see the way thou hast marked out; and walk in the path which will be pleasing in thy sight. The Lord will sometimes have us wait at his door, plead at his throne, and learn that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." To wait the Lord's time requires patience ; and to walk in the Lord's way, requires submission. The Lord's way generally crosses the desires of flesh and blood, mortifies our pride and independence, exercises all the graces of the Holy Spirit, and makes us feel our absolute dependence on Divine grace. Still the Christian, when in his right mind, prefers it; and would rather walk in it than any other. God's way leads us to glory, honour, and immortality.

    How rough soe'er the way,
    Dear Saviour, still lead on;
Nor leave us till we say,
" Father, thy will be done."
At most we do but taste the cup,
For thou alone hast drunk it up.