THAT is a bad memory which buries God's mercies and forgets his works. And who has not to complain of such a memory ! That is remembered longest which impresses most. How long we remember a slight injury or a small offence ; but how soon we forget the mercies of our God. Thus did Israel, and thus do we also who now inherit their forfeited mercies. The works of God in the wilderness were so striking and Bo wonderful, that one would have thought that the people never could have forgot them. But they soon ceased to awake attention, or excite gratitude, and were treated as common things. Lord, what is man ! That we may not forget, let us endeavour to improve by the Lord's works. Let us study them. Let us see his wisdom, kindness, and care in them. Let us record them, and often read the record. Let us often dwell upon our own unworthiness, and admire the grace displayed in the least of them. Let his works in nature be read. Let his work of providence be noticed. Especially let his work of redemption engage our thoughts, our affections, and our gratitude. Never let us forget or slight his wonderful works.
0! may I ne'er forget
The mercy of my God.
Nor ever want a tongue to spresid
His loudest praise abroad.
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