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Friday, December 31, 2010

I have prayed for thee

JESUS prayed for Peter in the prospect of his fall. He knew the designs of Satan, he knew that enemy had desired to have him that he might sift him as wheat, hut as the great Intercessor he pleaded with his Father for him: and what he did for Peter, he does for us. Sweet thought this, Jesus knows all Satan's designs and movements, and he prays for us that our faith may not fail! He watches that foe, and he watches over us. Whenever he pleads he prevails, for the Father always hears him. This is our comfort when our hearts are cold, straitened, and prayerless; we have one in heaven who pleads for us. We may lose the prayers of a godly father, or a fondly attached mother; but the prayers of Jesus can never be lost. There are prayers filed in heaven for us this morning, which are to be answered this day; nor shall we get beyond the prayers of Jesus, until we are with him where he is to behold his glory. Let us comfort ourselves with this, under all our sorrows, in all our trials, in the midst of all our bereavements, Jesus has prayed for me.
 Jesus my Advocate hath been,
    And by the fiery darts assailed
Of Satan, and the world, and sin,

    My faith hath never wholly failed:
Jesus, on whom I still depend.
Shall keep mc faithful to the end.

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