NO one can pardon sin but God. It is his sole -L' prerogative. That God may be just, and yet pardon sinners, Jesus suffered, bled, and died. No one can be pardoned but for the sake of Christ. Every pardon is written with his blood. God for Christ's sake forgives us our trespasses. He is ready to pardon. But we must be convinced of sin, and if the Holy Spirit convince us, our sins will appear numerous, aggravated, and great; so great at times, that we shall fear whether God will pardon such great sinners; but the very greatness of our sin should urge us to apply for pardon. Our God is a great God, his mercy is great, the merit of a Saviour's blood is great, and he has pardoned great sinners in every age. Let us therefore look at our sins fairly, at their nature, number, aggravation, desert: then let us look at the merit of the Saviour's blood, at the gracious promises of the word, at the invitations of the gospel, and let us confess our sins, remembering the assurance given us by the apostle, " If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Take courage, look to Jesus, and say,.
Were the black list before my si^ht,
While I remember thou hast died,
Twould only urge my speedier flight
To seek salvation at thy side.
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