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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Their strength is to sit still

TO whom will these words apply? Not to the sinner, who is still in his sins. Nor to the seeker, who is seeking the Lord. Nor yet to the backslider, who has wandered from God. But to the Lord's people, who are in perplexity, and yet trusting in God; who are intimidated by foes, and yet look to the Saviour; who are filled with fear, and yet desire to walk worthy of their profession. What can they do? Flee! But whither ? Agitate and distress their souls ! What will that do ? Let them sit still. But where shall they sit? At the feet of Jesus, where Mary did. On the rock of God's faithfulness, where David did; when the people spake of stoning him, " David encouraged himself in the Lord his God." In the tower of God's name, to which the righteous run and are safe, Prov. xviii. 10. Here let them rest, that is, believe God's word—watch his hand—wait his time—expect deliverance according to the, promise—look to Jesus and refuse to give way to fear, or foreboding, here is their strength. For. when they do so, God is engaged for them.

            Jesus, on me the power bestow
To work, or rest, srand still, or go,

            As thy design I see:
Redeem'd from nature's hurrying strife,
Iivoulri not take one step in life

            Without a beck from thee.

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